CAM350 Movies

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CAM350 V12.1 새로운 기능들 소개 동영상 - new


DFMStream v12.1 기능 소개  - new

-  CAM350 Basic Mouse Control and GUI 


- Draw to Flash in CAM350


- Editing Data in CAM350


- NC Editor in CAM350


- Creating a Fabrication Panel in CAM350


-  Fast Array Module in CAM350


- Stream’s RC in CAM350


- Netlist Comparison in  CAM350 and Streams RC


- Loading Gerber, NC, IPC-d-356,  and ODB++ files in CAM350


- Design Analysis in CAM350 and Allegro or OrCad PCB Editor     NEW


-  How to Compare Two Designs in CAM350 – 4:13 minutes NEW